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Upgrading - scared newbie

  • 08-14-2008 | 10:05 AM
  • impi Posts: 5
  • about 1 year ago I got my Iphone, only 3 in the country at that time (not many more yet)anyway, pluged into Itune to transfer my Ipod stuff. Itune tells me new firmware available, not knowing the whole story about AT&T, ticked yes, guess what, I was the proud owner of a working Iphone for about 2 hours, kindly he sorted it out. I now still have 1.02 of course installer is not working anymore. I do not know what he used to jailbreak it and he is out of the country & not available for the moment. I want to upgrade to 1.14 but I do not know what he used to jailbreak it in the 1st place. Can I use any of the programs? eg. WinPwn. Do not want to lock myself out again but need to upgrade the firmware. Thank you for being patient with the clueless
  • 08-14-2008 | 03:43 PM
  • impi Posts: 5
  • Thank you very much, have downloaded all the files, checked the video. Going for it tomorrow morning, getting late in this corner of the world and want todo this with a clear head. Is my Itune version important, have 7.4.1.Will let you know how it went
  • 08-14-2008 | 06:47 PM
  • satch2501 Posts: 135
  • Make sure you have the latest itunes. Download it from Apple If you have any questions, let me know.
  • 08-16-2008 | 02:19 PM
  • impi Posts: 5
  • OK Hit some problem, use WinPwn as I am still on firmware 1.02. quite a bit different from, no cydya or installer, downloaded it but said there was a url parser error? got a bit worried about the difference between the video and the Winpng I have, so stopped. I am scared to loose my contacts that would be catastrophic. I have backed them up but still. Now it want me to restore the file I saved but it is not correct (not the same as the video) do I need to 1st do 1.1.1 and then 1.1.4? and use Winpng, sorry about being such a pest but after my initial experience I am a bit jittery, I think if I had again the logo "please insert you AT&t card I will throw the thing thru the window, well not really @ $1300 they go here for....thank you again. Going to have a valium now with a stiff drink LOL

    went right to the end with Winpng, was different but downloaded Cydia + Installer all went well but when I came to restore it could not do, kept on getting error 1601, is it because I am still on 1.0.2? and I can not get directly from 1.0.2 to 1.1.4, from what I seem to understand I need to do 1.1.1 1st. Thanks or all the help, fell secure now in doing it but need to know why I cannot restore. Did everything else correctly

    had to insist, now have the dreaded message "please insert a valid sim card", it has reset to factory default. Will now try to unlock from scratch. got nothing to loose anymore

    SUCCESS THANK YOU... all I did at the end was to change the Itune DLLs. But used a stupid program called "Iphone PCsuite to backup my contact and of course it is not restoring them. AGAIN A MILLION THANKS YOU ARE THE BEST

    Last edited by impi; 08-16-2008 at 02:19 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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