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Old 01-27-2008, 10:02 PM
Zamphire Zamphire is offline
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1.1.3 Jailbreak from any iPod Touch Tutorial.

I take no credit for the programs but only the guide. This guide is a compilation of all the steps to get from any version of the iPod touch software to 1.1.3 fully jailbroken for Windows. I used Windows Vista, so I'm almost certain it will work on all other platforms as well. I've tried this with five ipods and they all worked just fine. This guide will show you how to take any version of the iPod Touch, even 1.1.3 out of the box to jailbroken 1.1.3. I recommend having iTunes upgrade your touch to 1.1.3 the normal way to start off, this will minimize any problems we might encounter. If you have any problems during the process, skip down to the FAQ and Troubleshooting portion of the guide at the bottom before posting.

Table of Contents:
To use the Table of Contents and hit CTRL + F on your keyboard and type in the letters in parenthesis for the section you are trying to get to. For example, if you're looking for the Troubleshooting guide, hit CTRL + F and type trbl then hit next and it should take you to the Troubleshooting section.
  1. What You Need (wynd)
  2. Getting Started, 1.1.3 Downgrade to 1.1.1. (stp1)
  3. Jailbreaking 1.1.1 the easy way. (stp2)
  4. Upgrading to 1.1.2 from 1.1.1 (stp3)
  5. Jailbreaking 1.1.2 (stp4)
  6. Jailbreaking and Upgrading to 1.1.3 (stp5)
  7. Troubleshooting and F.A.Q. (trbl)

What you need(wynd):
1.1.2 JailBreak (
1.1.1 and 1.1.2 iPod Touch Firmware (get them at
iTunes (I used 7.6 so I know it works, havn't tried earlier version)
An iPod TOUCH on any software version.
Wi-Fi connection
Your computer

Here's the start, say bye bye to my songs:

Step 1(stp1). 1.1.3 ---> 1.1.1
First off, make sure you've downloaded 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.1.3 iPod TOUCH software from the above link, make sure to get the iPod versions and not the iPhone versions. Save these to somewhere you can remember so you can easily find them. Next, plug up your ipod to your computer and launch iTunes.

The iPod has two buttons on it, the one on the top (the sleep/power button) and the one on the front bottom (the home button). Once iTunes detects your ipod you want to hold down the home and sleep buttons together for 10 seconds. During that 10 seconds (around 8) you will see the screen turn off and iTunes will no longer detect the iPod. At the 10 second mark release the sleep button (the top one) but continue to hold the home button until you see iTunes detect the iPod again. The screen of the iPod should be black, if you see the iTunes logo with the connector cable you did it wrong, try the button sequence again. ITunes should come up and tell you that it has detected an iPod in recovery mode and must be restored click ok. Now, hold down the shift key on your keyboard and click the restore button on iTunes. Browse to where you have the 1.1.1 software downloaded to and select it. Let iTunes work its magic on your toy and everything should work out great, bringing you to 1.1.1 firmware. Wait for the installation to complete and for iTunes to recognize your new ipod before going to the next step.
Here’s a picture found on the website below that was linked by Setsuna that illustrates the proper button combo. It is VERY important to get the blank screen and not the iTunes logo, since the restore will not work with the iTunes logo.

Here's what iTunes and your iPod should look like if you did the button sequence right:

Step 2(stp2). Jailbreaking 1.1.1
Thanks to searching the forums for TouchFree I’ve found a much easier way to jailbreak 1.1.1. All you do is connect your ipod to a Wi-Fi network and go to the website hhtp:// with Safari. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click Install AppTap. This will jailbreak your 1.1.1 and install installer all in about 2min, then you’re ready to move on to upgrading to 1.1.2.

Step 3(stp3). Upgrading to 1.1.2 from 1.1.1
Open Safari and go to the website and scroll down to the very bottom and click install appsnapp. (If you followed my guide for jailbreaking 1.1.1 you’ve already installed AppTapp and don’t need to do it a second time.) This will install a newer version of installer that has OkToPrep on it. Launch the Installer app and click Update Now after it refreshes the sources. When it’s done updating launch Installer again and click Donate Later. Click install at the bottom of the screen and select All Packages. Scroll down until you get to OktoPrep, select it and install. (If you can't find OkToPrep make sure Community Sources is installed, you should find that under All Programs as well. You may need to refresh your sources a few times to get OkToPrep to show up.) When it’s done open iTunes. It should detect your iPod (if it asks you to upgrade to 1.1.3 select Don’t Install.) Select your iPod under Devices and Shift+Click UPDATE. Do NOT press Restore as this will completely whipe out everything we’ve done and you’ll have to start over again. Browse to the 1.1.2 firmware and upgrade it. Let iTunes work its magic for a second time. When it’s done you should have a simi jailbroken iPod with Firmware 1.1.2. Let iTunes detect your ipod before closing iTunes again.

Step 4(stp4). Jailbreaking 1.1.2 and upgrading to 1.1.3
First off make sure iTunes and iTunesHelper are both turned off in the services (You can check this by pressing Alt+Control+Del on your keyboard and opening the task manager. Click on the service table and look for both iTunes and iTunesHelper). Second, go to settings on your ipod, then the general tab, then Auto-Lock and set it to Never. Now, back on your computer open the folder 1.1.2 Dev Jailbreak from the software package I provided. At the very bottom run Windows.bat (You must have Java installed in order for this to work, you can find it here Most computers will already have it so try the program first. Also I've gotton reports that this program will no work on Vista 64). You should get a nice little message from the nice Dev team and then click Jailbreak! at the bottom. It should go through and work its magic on your iPod. No need to manually reboot this time, it does it all for you. As long as you see it say Reading Flash Image and numbers start to scroll on the DOS command prompt then everything is working fine and it will be done soon. Once the jailbreak software says it’s done go ahead and click Ok and wait for your iPod to stop rebooting itself before continuing. It shouldn’t take more than 5min for the whole process to complete itself. After it’s done you’re ready to upgrade to 1.1.3, so continue to the next step.

Step 5(stp5). Upgrading to 1.1.3 Jailbroken

First off make sure iTunes and iTunesHelper are both turned off in the services. Second, go to settings on your ipod, then the general tab, then Auto-Lock and set it to Never. For this leg of the guide we won’t actually use your computer but I prefer to leave it connected to your computer to keep the iPod from dieing during the long download process of 1.1.3. For this part of the process we will actually be downloading the patched 1.1.3 firmware over the Wi-Fi connection. It’s about 200mb so it will take a good while to complete. To start off launch the Installer on your touch. Click install at the bottom and scroll down to the Sources category and install the Community Sources package, after it installs it will refresh the sources. It took a good 5-10min for my sources to refresh, just be patient. Select install and then go to All Packages. Scroll down to BSD Subsystem and install it. Once it’s done, scroll down to system and you'll see the 1.1.3 Upgrader, click on it and it should say official update from the Dev Team. If you don’t see it, click Sources on the bottom right of the screen and click refresh at the top. It will install the updater on your springboard. Hit the home button and select the updater. You'll get a message asking if you want to restore, with an warning that all songs and stuff will be deleted. Hit the yes button and it will do its job. It depends greatly on the speed of your internet, fast internet, fast install. Once it’s done you should have a fully jailbroken 1.1.3 iPod Touch. (I have a fairly fast internet connection, 300-400kb/s down from a fast source, and it took me roughly 25min before the iPod restarted, so it could take much longer on a slower connection)
**(If you wait 2 hours and it still hasn’t finished with the upgrade, go ahead and force reboot the iPod by holding both buttons until the screen goes off. I had to do this with two of my iPods and after the reboot the patch should have worked and you should be on 1.1.3)

If you want the 1.1.3 apps and the wiggily icons, go to the installer, click sources, click edit, click add, and add to the source list. Then under install you'll see 1.1.3 apps. Install everything in that folder and you'll have the full $20 package, free.
Good luck!

P.S. Do NOT upgrade to 1.1.4 it will ruin EVERYTHING you just did.
Troubleshooting & F.A.Q.(trbl):

If at any time you get an error code from itunes (1604 or others) the best way to solve it is to let iTunes restore the iPod back to normal 1.1.3 using the normal restore and restart from the beginning. Sorry but this is the only way I’ve found to fix it and I have no idea why these errors pop up as they can pop up even when you’ve followed every step to the T.


Q. When ever i try to restore to 1.1.1 i get a message that says "The ipod "ipod" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1)."
A. Make sure you follow the exact button combination I have listed in my guide, if you do it any other way and get the iTunes logo with the connector cord on your iPod then it'll give you that error, also make sure you're using the iPod firmware and not the iPhone.

Q. During the install of 1.1.3 do you need to have the iPod connected to a computer?
A. No, though i recommend it, since it will drain your battery if i takes 1+ hours.

Q. Anytime I try to install the new Applerepo apps I keep getting error message "missing main installer script?" any clue why or what that means?
A. Make sure to install the Application Prep first, then all the other preps before the actual apps. The prep apps are the ones that have "Prep" in their names.

Q. Will this tutorial work for jailbreaking from a mac os (tiger)?
A. Everything will except for the 1.1.2 break, since it uses a windows program, the other two steps are PC free. If you can find a way to jailbreak 1.1.2 (i'm sure there's one on the forums here somewhere) the rest of it will work fine.

Q. Just wondering, there are two 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 updates from The Dev Team on my Installer package (I'am currently on 1.1.2, jailbroken). Which one do I choose? I don't think it matters but the descriptions are different:
1. 'You must on a jailbroken 1.1.2. You also must have BSD Subsystem 1.5+!' (592.7KB, Contact 'Apple')
2. 'Soft updates a jailbroken 1.1.2 iPhone to 1.1.3 jailbroken. READ MORE INFO.' (343.7KB, Contact 'ModMyiFone'
A. You want the one that says "1.1.3 Jailbreak DevTeam" with as the contact.

Q. Does downgrading mean returning to factory settings ( just out of box ) i got loads of mp3 on my itouch!!
A. Yea, you'll have to back up all your songs, downgrading will lose them all. There are tons of programs that will do this, search google for "iPod Backup". I personally use a program called Copy Trans ( that works really well, but it's not free. You can find some free ones online.

Q. After i completed step 1, "OkToPrep" never showed up under All Programs in Installer? What did i do wrong? How do i fix it?
A. Nothing is wrong, happens to me too. You have to install "community sources" first from installer than when you do that it will add a folder called Tweaks 1.1.1 and its in there. It took about 10 minutes of me refreshing my installer before community resources showed up in installer though

Edit February 28th: Added a new question to the F.A.Q. and edited the 1.1.2 upgrade to include downloading Community Sources.
Edit February 7th: Updated the guide to the new way the DevTeam has released to crack 1.1.3. (Tested it myself)
Edit January 30th: Table of Contents, Troubleshooting, and F.A.Q. added.
Edit January 29th: Added pictures and edited the 1.1.1 jailbreak to the easier method.

Last edited by Zamphire : 03-13-2008 at 11:06 PM.
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